Welcome to OddjobTasks.com! We are Long Island's home maintenance and repair professionals.
As you know, owning a home is a big responsibility, one that requires plenty of maintenance, repairs, and "TLC".
Many homeowners that we service tell us that they simply don't have the time, tools, or skills to complete all of the oddjobs
around their homes. That is why we are proud to offer many solutions that won't break the bank. Services like our
Annual Maintenance Programs, Seasonal Clean-ups, or our Oddjob Tasks Home Repair Service.
Oddjob Tasks works in a efficient, quick manner, making your projects easier allowing you to spend your time doing what you like.
Whether work is residential, commercial or light industrial, one call does it all.
We hold the highest commitment to
outstanding service, quality workmanship, and keeping the client happy. Give us a call anytime for a free estimate or with
any questions you may have about our services. Remember, "You Think It...We Do It." tm